Blanco Madera house

A Space to Rediscover the Luxury of Simplicity and Nature.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista de fachada interior al amanecer. By Ethelett.
Casa Blanco Madera. Vista de la escalera desde pasillo. By Ethelett.

At Ethelett, we believe that every architectural work tells a unique story. Blanco Madera house is no exception. It was designed to offer a living experience where nature and architecture intertwine. This connection creates a tranquil environment where comfort and sustainable aesthetics are the highlights. We invite you to discover the details of this house. In it, we explore the balance between the natural and the constructed. To achieve this, we use light, wood, and textures as key elements to create a cozy and enveloping atmosphere.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista de la escalera del vestíbulo. By Ethelett.

The concept of Blanco Madera house: A vision of Ethelett.

At Ethelett, we understand architecture as a way to enrich daily life. Blanco Madera house reflects this vision. From the beginning, our goal was to create a refuge that deeply connects with nature, using wood as the main material. This material has traditionally been relegated to a decorative role. In this house, it becomes an essential protagonist, both in structural design and in creating a warm and natural environment.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista  del área social desde la cocina. By Ethelett.

This house invites living in a conscious and balanced way. It takes advantage of the benefits of natural light, spacious areas, and efficient design. From the start, we aimed for Blanco Madera house to present a different kind of luxury. We do not view luxury as the accumulation of ostentatious elements. For us, it is the harmonious integration of noble materials, light-filled spaces, and carefully crafted details. It is a kind of luxury that inspires calm and reflection.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista en sala principal. By Ethelett.

A wooden refuge in the 21st century.

Wood has been, for centuries, one of the most valued materials in housing construction. However, with the rise of steel and concrete, its use has been limited to decorative purposes. At Blanco Madera house, we take a modern approach to this material. We harness its aesthetic, structural, and environmental advantages.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista de la fachada principal frente al acceso. By Ethelett.

The house's main façade does not reveal much about the use of wood. Instead, on the interior façade, the windows expose the wooden beams and ceilings. The façades suggest what is inside: a modern architecture that does not sacrifice warmth. Here, wood is not just a decorative finish but plays an active role in the construction and the home's cozy atmosphere.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista recámara secundaria central. By Ethelett.

In this refuge, wood becomes the answer to the need for sustainability and energy efficiency. This material has been selected and integrated with precision. We respect fire safety regulations and use it responsibly. The result is a structure that breathes and connects its inhabitants with the natural surroundings.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista del estar de la recámara principal. By Ethelett.

The role of light: Designing spaces that change with the day.

One of the major elements of Blanco Madera house is natural light. In this house, the shadows cast on the white surfaces bring life to the walls. Through its large windows, light bathes the interior spaces. This creates a constant play of shadows and reflections that transform the environment throughout the day. In several interior spaces, such as the main vestibule, you can see how the light floods the hallway connecting the house's bedrooms. This lighting casts soft shadows on the wooden walls, creating an atmosphere that invites relaxation.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista del estar y pasillo de recámara principal. By Ethelett.

The house was designed to maximize the entry of natural light into every corner. This not only reduces the need for artificial lighting but also contributes to a sense of well-being and calm for its occupants. Each window was carefully placed to frame the best views of the natural surroundings, allowing nature to be part of the house's interior as well.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista de la fachada interior abierta al jardín. By Ethelett.

Surprise spaces: The magic of the hidden.

At Blanco Madera house, surprise is a fundamental ingredient. The house's design invites you to discover new spaces as you move through it. From the moment you cross the main entrance, you are enveloped in a play of light, shadows, and textures that invite exploration of every corner.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista del vestíbulo hacia el acceso. By Ethelett.

One of the most surprising elements is a private garden hidden behind the double-height space of the vestibule. This garden is an oasis of tranquility. The vegetation blends with the natural materials of the construction, creating an intimate and relaxing space. Here, luxury resides in simplicity, in the integration of nature, and in the sense of serenity that pervades.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista de la techumbre del vestíbulo. By Ethelett.

Natural materials: Textures that connect with the essential.

The texture of materials is another key aspect of the design of Blanco Madera house. We aimed to create an environment where natural materials are the protagonists, not only visually but also to the touch. The wooden surfaces, present in floors, walls, and ceilings, provide a warmth and comfort that only noble materials can offer.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista del lavabo del baño principal. By Ethelett.

In the bedrooms, the soft textures of wood and textiles combine with natural light coming through the windows. These spaces were designed to be a sanctuary of peace. Every detail, from the tones of the materials to the arrangement of the furniture, was designed to create an atmosphere of disconnection.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista de la regadera del baño principal. By Ethelett.

Architecture that breathes: Thermal comfort and sustainability.

At Ethelett, we believe that architecture should be functional and efficient, in addition to being beautiful. At Blanco Madera house, we have incorporated sustainability techniques that maintain thermal comfort at all times. We use materials that "breathe" and help regulate humidity and temperature.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista de la tina del baño principal. By Ethelett.

One of the house's features is its efficient envelope. This eliminates the need for heating or air conditioning. The interior environment remains pleasant throughout the year. For this, cellular concrete blocks were used in walls and double-glazed windows. Additionally, extruded polystyrene insulation was integrated into floors, fiberglass in ceilings, and mineral wool in roofs. These materials allow us to ensure energy efficiency.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista de la cocina. By Ethelett.

Linseed oil, a natural finish for the wood, was chosen with the aim of ensuring indoor air quality and, consequently, the health of its inhabitants.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista desde el comedor en el área social. By Ethelett.

A bathroom as a space for disconnection.

The bathroom in the master bedroom of Blanco Madera house shows how architecture can transform an everyday space into a sensory experience. The white marble finishes and black details create a sophisticated contrast. The wooden flooring in the wet areas adds a touch of warmth that balances the simplicity of the space.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista del estar familiar. By Ethelett.

This bathroom is designed as a space for disconnection. A private garden, an integral part of the relaxation experience, complements it. Natural ventilation and the light coming through the windows ensure a fresh and healthy environment at all times.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista de la fachada interior en la tarde. By Ethelett.
Casa Blanco Madera. Vista a la ventana del baño de visitas. By Ethelett.

Technical details that make a difference.

Behind every design is a rigorous technical process that ensures all elements fit perfectly. In Blanco Madera house, technique is not the main goal. However, it is the tool that allows us to achieve the precision and functionality we seek in every project.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista al interior del baño de visitas. By Ethelett.

Constructive details, such as metal connections between wooden elements, are examples of our technical care. Hidden channels for rainwater drainage also demonstrate how we aim for the final result to be impeccable. These details, although often unnoticed, are what guarantee the durability and comfort of the home over time.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista a ventana desde el pasillo de las recámaras. By Ethelett.

Connection with the exterior: Integrating nature into the home.

The relationship between the interior and exterior is fundamental in the design of Blanco Madera house. Large windows allow light to enter freely. At the same time, they frame views of the garden and its vegetation, creating a constant visual connection with nature. Additionally, the garden elements were designed to become an extension of the house's interior spaces.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista del pasillo de las recámaras. By Ethelett.

On the interior façade, the shadows cast by the terrace tree on the white walls highlight our intention to integrate nature in a subtle and elegant way. This allows the landscape to become part of the house's design.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista de la fachada principal. By Ethelett.

A sustainable lifestyle.

At Blanco Madera house, sustainability is not an abstract concept but a tangible reality in every design decision. From selecting low-carbon-footprint materials to optimizing energy resources, this house is designed to minimize environmental impact.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista en el patio secreto. By Ethelett.

The orientation of the windows toward the south is an example of our commitment to sustainability. So is the use of certified wood, solar heaters, and photovoltaic panels. At Ethelett, we believe it is possible to create beautiful and functional spaces without compromising the planet's well-being. Blanco Madera house is a clear testament to this.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista de la fachada posterior. By Ethelett.

The art of surprise in architecture.

For us, architecture is an art that should excite and surprise. At Blanco Madera house, every corner is designed to offer a new experience, whether through light, textures, or views of the exterior. This approach allows us to create spaces that go beyond functionality. It invites inhabitants to discover and rediscover their surroundings every day.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista de la cochera. By Ethelett.

In the vestibule and in the living areas, natural light filters through glazed roofs. This casts shadows that transform the space throughout the day. Such details are what make Blanco Madera house much more than a simple dwelling: it is a place to discover, to live, and to enjoy.

Casa Blanco Madera. Vista de la fachada interior al medio día. By Ethelett.
Casa Blanco Madera. Vista de la recámara principal hacia la ventana. By Ethelett.
Casa Blanco Madera. Vista de la recámara principal hacia el interior. By Ethelett.
Casa Blanco Madera. Vista desde la escalera del vestíbulo. By Ethelett.
Casa Blanco Madera. Vista a los pasillos desde el vestíbulo. By Ethelett.
Casa Blanco Madera. Vista desde el antecomedor al área social. By Ethelett.
Casa Blanco Madera. Vista al jardín desde la sala en el área social. By Ethelett.
Casa Blanco Madera. Vista de la recámara secundaria del extremo. By Ethelett.
Casa Blanco Madera. Vista del baño de la recámara secundaria. By Ethelett.

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