Where the dreamy spaces and the evidence-based design meet


Ethelett is a firm located in Mexico that creates architecture to enrich people’s lives.

Ethelett logo cuadrado blanco
Casa Metepec vista de fachada con fogata by Ethelett

Architecture matters

Wiston Churchill said:

We shape our buildings, and afterwards our buildings shape us''

This is true, they do it in these ways:

  • They protect our health or harm it.
  • They conserve nature or destroy it.
  • They protect us from tragedies or cause them.
  • They determine how we relate to each other.
  • They are our dreamy space or our nightmare.
  • They make our life easier or complicate it.

That is why...

edificios y comunidades sanos y seguros

at Ethelett »

We pursue safe and healthy buildings and communities.

austeridad sustentable

at Ethelett »

We propose what we call sustainable austerity. That is, create healthy environments with minimal resources.

experiencias espaciales y sensoriales

at Ethelett »

We explore ideas to generate spatial and sensorial experiences. We also detail each building element until it is perfect.

metodologías y conocimientos de ultima generacion

at Ethelett »

We craft unique custom products developed with and for our customers. For this purpose, we use leading-edge methods and knowledge.

Is our firm for you?

Ethelett, the architecture firm

We know that it is impossible to be the best solution for everyone. We give you a hint for you to know if we can be the best solution for you:

  • You are looking for a firm backed by a wide experience in architecture.
  • You are looking for a firm that starts by helping you to explore, find and test the best solution for your needs.
  • You aspire to build architecture that raises the life quality of those who inhabit it.
  • You share with us the idea that all us have an ecological and social responsibility for what we produce.
  • You want to build architecture with a timeless aesthetic and at the knowledge forefront.

A sample of our work.

Dreamy spaces

Casa Metepec vista interior by Ethelett

Blanco Madera house

Casa Metepec vista desde el exterior by Ethelett

De las Formas house

Restaurante Urbane Mexico vista exterior by Ethelett

Urbane Mexico restaurant

Restaurante Urbane Mexico vista de la escalera

Metepec house

Evidence-based design

How do we know that what we do is well done?

The Ethelett’s eight points

Ethelett logo

We defined eight design parameters with which we test each project:

1. Healthy

  • Our buildings have good ventilation and indoor air quality.
  • They ensure thermal comfort.
  • They enjoy healthy humidity levels.
  • They prevent the presence of dust, pests and germs.
  • They are well lit and avoid glare.
  • They enjoy a comfortable acoustic environment.
  • They provide good quality water.

2. Safe

  • Our buildings protect their inhabitants. This implies that they have adequate emergency exits.
  • They are safe against fires, floods, or any potential disaster.
  • They are accessible to all its users.

3. Sustainable

  • Our buildings reduce energy use for thermal control, ventilation, and lighting.
  • They use materials with a low carbon footprint.
  • They use materials with low whole lifecycle impact.
  • They make efficient use of water.
  • They respect the natural environment by creating spaces to coexist with it.
  • They use renewable energy and materials.

4. Austere

  • Our buildings reduce building and structural system costs.
  • They make efficient use of the area to be built.
  • They produce low operating and maintenance costs.
  • They optimize materials and construction elements.
  • They have a spatial organization that guarantees the correct use of spaces.
  • They facilitate the movement of people and things.

5. Corporeal

  • Our buildings generate sensory experiences through textures, light, sounds, scents, and views.
  • They are dreamy places.
  • They awaken surprise and adventure.
  • They have fluid spaces.
  • The elements that compose them have clarity and detail.
  • They add value to their urban, natural, and social context.
  • They contain vegetation as part of the aesthetic enjoyment.

6. Material

  • Our buildings have detailed and well-solved connections.
  • They are protected against rainwater, running water and moisture.
  • They meet durability requirements. Consequently, they age properly.
  • They expose the way in which they are sustained and their materials.
  • They adapt to and are the result of their site.

7. Factual

  • Design decisions are evidence based.
  • The design process has a quality control method. Therefore, it ensures agreed standards.
  • It has customer satisfaction verification.
  • It includes verification of assumptions and risk control.
  • The proposals for materials and equipment have the agreed performance.

8. Systematic

  • The search for answers to the customer’s investment feasibility questions are a priority in the early design stages.
  • The design process begins with the investigation of the client’s needs.
  • It produces a custom project with customer engagement.
  • It uses the agile method. Tasks are agreed upon cyclically and the process responds to change.
  • It uses the lean principle. Tasks that do not generate value are deleted.
  • It includes engineering and suppliers’ coordination. This includes the integration of their solutions into the architecture.
  • It includes an initial process of regulations analysis.
  • It uses state-of-the-art systems and tools.

From our blog

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